Accessing Your Media Assets
On this page you will find suggestions for training, tools and skills that can help with your media presence.
Courses to start with
Expanding Non-Profit Reach with Online Photo Galleries
Learn to create and share a low-cost Photo Gallery online. understand how this can improve your public presence and demonstrate your impact….
Photo Galleries
Manage, organize and share your photos and Video easily on the web. Designed for organisations, teams and individuals.
Piwigo is a web application to manage your collection of photos, and other medias. Embedding powerful features, it powers photo galleries all around the world.
I recommend Piwigo and can help with installation, customisation and management at affordable fees.
There is a wide variety of usages among Piwigo users community. From medium sized galleries to huge image banks, Piwigo can make your life easier and save you time and effort.