Environmental activism

I’ve been engaged in Environmental Activism for over 50 years. I have proactively engaged with the challenges and opportunities presented by southern Africa’s unique natural heritage and the social and economic systems that depend on it.

Call to Action
SAMSO - stop killing us

Driver of Change

I provide effective eco training, education and skills development programmes to non-profits, private individuals, corporates and all spheres of government. There’s an extensive range of courses designed to address the critical scarcity of the skills that are required to drive the green and blue economy.

Call to Action

I volunteer with WESSA – Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa

WESSA members work to:

  • Protect and conserve natural habitats and biodiversity
  • Engage with individuals and communities to promote sustainable livelihoods
  • Create opportunities for social and economic upliftment through enviro education
  • Collaborate and network with groups and organisations with similar objectives
  • Raise awareness and promote public participation around key environmental issues

Since the focus of WESSA professional staff shifted entirely to funded projects there has been a noticeable gap in WESSA’s media presence when it comes to issues of conservation, environmental governance and policy commentary, though some Friends groups and individual members have tried to keep the flag flying. I’m trying to help improve our media presence.

wessa Western Cape Pull up banner